I will read or listen to anything by or about Ross Gay. *He* is a delight. (Serendipity: I, just a few moments ago, read a paragraph in Rebecca Solnit's _Orwell's Roses_ that recounts some of Ross Gay's words on gardening. As he would say: "Delight!")

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Hi Katherine. Loved this, but the links to Ross' Instagram and Twitter are actually the links to Aja Barber's social media. :-)

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Oops, thank you!

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Thank you for sharing, looking forward to listening!

May I ask...what is the reference to the crow in your work? (It is a crow isn’t it!). I ask because it feels very serendipitous as the crow for me is relating to the crone energy. Something I am trying to embody a little; that faith in myself that I know what is best for me.


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I’ve just always loved crows to be honest - they’re so smart and curious, and they seem to carry a little of the otherworld with them. I currently have one that croaks on my roof every morning to wake me up :)

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How lovely. I’m a fan of them too x

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