"...the chance to merge into the wild drift of the world". This is such a beautiful idea. The idea of enchantment makes me think of Mary Oliver saying that we should "pay attention, be astonished, tell about it." Can't wait to get a copy of the book! 💫

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I really appreciate what you are doing for the culture at large, urging people to slow down and take note. I also feel like Wintering was such a smash hit, written after fatigue with academia. In short, the gifts, it seems, are coming from you being your most animal self (and on the page! An especially nice trick). I know this is one thing I respond to - while also finding your writing so smart and personable. Enchantment indeed. So happy for you, and happy a book like this is speaking so loudly to the world right now 💞

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Already on my second read through. It's bringing hope, comfort and companionship at a time when I needed just those things. Thank you for writing it.

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Second?! That's more times that I've read it! ;)

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"...that sometimes I can forget myself." I felt those words in my body. Huge congrats on the early bestseller lists and placements, Katherine! Can't wait to pick up my copy today ✨

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Thank you!

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Congratulations Katherine! I can't wait to read it. ✨🦋🍃

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Congratulations on the wonderful reception! I can’t wait to read it -- Wintering resonated with me so deeply. I really loved listening to your interview with Pico Iyer last week 💞 thanks for all that you do.

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I so love the idea of saying “an enchantment” as a spell to cast.

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Congratulations and so well deserved! Will be on our book clubs list and I’ll be so excited to share it with others.

Would you suggest reading Wintering first? xxx

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Congratulations!!! I adore your writing! Was first recommended by the great Zeba Talkani ❤️

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Aw congrats Katherine - can’t wait to read! 📕

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Congratulations! Got an email that my copy is on it's way...can't wait!

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