The Clearing by Katherine May
The Clearing by Katherine May Podcast
True Stories Book Club with Tom Newlands

True Stories Book Club with Tom Newlands

On his captivating debut novel and writing neurodivergence with a light touch

Further down the page: live UK dates


If you couldn’t make it to the live recording of this month’s True Stories Book Club with Tom Newlands, author of Only Here, Ony Now, never fear - you can watch/listen/read about it in this post.

There’s also an extract from the book here.

You can listen in the podcast feed or watch below. There’s also a transcript if you prefer to read all about it.

Take care,


Tom Newlands Transcript
1.49MB ∙ PDF file


✵ My next UK live appearances:

Monday 15th July: Margate Book Shop with Dan Richards for his Climbing Days tour (no booking link yet but put it in your diary!).

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The Clearing by Katherine May
The Clearing by Katherine May Podcast
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