Feel you all better, Katherine! (That’s how one of my daughters would say it when she was 3 and it has stuck.) Hope you are feeling strong for the event tonight.

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‘Feel you all better…’ love that!

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I hope you feel better soon! Also, I greatly enjoyed reading your consequence of a "hard stare" for the unsolicited medical advice. It actually made me laugh out loud 😂 and also, I think it's a fabulous deterrent! 💚

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Your book has find a place in my heart. I hope it will find its way to many more hearts.

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my copy arrived yesterday ... can't wait for some quiet time to dive into it...

Hope your strength returns quickly.

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Happy to hear you are on the mend, Katherine! Your books, your newsletters, your podcasts and other discussions are so deeply nourishing to me and I am grateful for all of the beautiful words you put out into the world. Congratulations on the paperback release of Enchantment! Wishing you a peaceful weekend and continued recovery.

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Feel better soon , sending you love xx

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Hope you feel better soon 💐

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So sorry you were sick, and glad to hear you are on the mend. Take care and be well!

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So sorry you’ve been sick—here’s to feeling better and better❤️

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Gosh - had completely missed you were unwell. Thank you for soldering on last night- my first evening event in months if not years! It was such a lovely event yesterday! A joy 😊 i live in Rochester and I love Whitstable but never been there in the evening. It is magical - and perfect venue… lovely to go from your virtual retreat to something actually in person - great to meet you and Emma! You create wonderfully nurturing spaces - thank you 💕😊

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Please do take all the time you need to rest and be well - your books do help us to remember this so it feels right to mirror that back in a sort of way. Just watched the recording of your talk with Emma Gannon - whose book I will definitely be reading - and it was truly delightful. So wonderful to hear that conversation and feel not only validated in some of my own thinking but also revitalized in ideas and thoughts toward writing again. Thank you so much. PS. I have to admit to a little side truth: your beautiful t-strap shoes caught my eye and sent me down memory lane toward childhood visits to have very similar looking leather t-strap shoes (flat heeled of course) fitted at the local downtown shoe store, centuries ago when there were such things on Main Street in America. And even as I was fascinated with your conversation I eventually gave in and went looking for such shoes on the internet, and before the recording was over had found them and ordered and now they are winging their way to me. So thank you for that memory too, and my new shoes ;)

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Feel better soon. Your hair looks really nice.

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So glad you are feeling better, Katherine. I love Enchantment so much and will be banging on about it to anyone and everyone for a very long time! Take care.

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may your rest be deep and healing.

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I hope you're feeling better now Katherine. I know how scary it can be when your lungs seem to forget how to do their job, thank goodness for our wonderful NHS and nebulisers!

I have enjoyed some delicious times under my duvet, savouring every word of Enchantment, I was so excited to see it on the floor by my letterbox yesterday. And thanks to an uncooperative car, I won't be teaching my monthly yoga class so am instead looking forward to joining you and Emma instead. Silver linings and all that!

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